With another Mother’s Day passed, I’ve started reflecting on my relationship with my daughter and the things we have shared together. A great deal of what we have shared has been beauty routines. My perception of beauty has changed since I had her (she’s now 17), and I want to make sure she understands that beauty is not just looking at a magazine and dreaming to look like the image. I know it’s an age old cliché, but it’s true that beauty starts from within (the wrinkle creams come later). So here are five simple beauty routines from me and my daughter to you and yours:
1) Good food We live in an instant gratification culture of quickly packaged, over-processed food. We should share with our daughters that good food comes from simple ingredients; show her the beauty of an apple or olive. Invite her into the kitchen while you prepare food so she can see (and help) in the process.
2) Put it on your face As you share in the teaching of preparing of good food, teach your daughter to put some of the ingredients on her face (and body). One of her first beauty regiments should be to take ingredients from the kitchen and make them into some yummy beauty. Next time you peel an avocado for your salad, mash some up and put it on your three year old’s face (or any age). For other natural inspired beauty tips, check out Fast Beauty: 1,000 Quick Fixes (Workman Publishing Company) by Rona Berg.
3) Let’s wash our hair Find some simple DIY natural recipes for hair and make it a date. Let her wash yours after you finish washing hers. This is a great time to ask questions, and talk/teach about life. This is a good way to keep communication open (which helps during teenage years).
4) Love your body It’s never too early to start moving and taking care of your body. Teach young girls to run, jump, swim and do yoga. This will create a love of movement and fitness that spans a lifetime.
5) Love yourself first and embrace your spirit Teach them to “take five” and do something for themselves first (before they start the care-taking of the Barbie dolls and stuffed animals). As women, we usually become caretakers first, and ourselves second. Try to encourage a little “me time” first with your mini-me. Encourage them to embrace their spirits! Let them sing, dance, climb trees and make mud burgers. They can figure out the path later, but right now it’s time to have fun on the journey.
Please share some of your beautiful mother and daughter experiences!
Connect with Karim @karimorange