Whether your chakras or your chi, seeking energy balance is a constant practice. And one benefit of realigning one’s chi is often a physical release of pain and body stress. One of the most beneficial customs is noninvasive acupressure, which like its cousin acupuncture, targets various points on the body to realign physical and spiritual energy.
For centuries, the practice was best received than performed on the self, but now you can target pressure points on your own at home and in (relative) comfort. A crop of acupressure mats helps hone in on problem areas like the back, feet and neck all on your own.
Try: Pranamat Eco — Made from all natural coconut fiber, cotton and linen, featuring hypoallergenic lotus-shaped massagers to apply pressure to your problem areas. An accompanying pillow takes aim at any head issues, pranamat.com; Spoonk — Hypoallergenic mats feature stimulation points made from hemp plastic and inners crafted from eco-foam. Spoonk manufactures locally in the United States, spoonkspace.com; Bed of Nails — Not nearly as sharp as its namesake, this mat promotes meditative healing with ergonomically placed acupressure plates. Products are synthetic-free, bedofnails.org.
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