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Honeydew Tarragon Tonic

by Nicole Dorsey Straff

Honeydew Tarragon Tonic, from Cool Refreshing Drinks

melon and tarragon

A tonic typically involves water or some form of detoxifying agent, such as an herb or spice. “I begin with a vitamin-rich fruit, the honeydew melon, and utilize locally farmed tarragon for flavor and acidity, similar to how I’d use lime,” says Michael Sawin, Chef at Well Spa in Wisconsin.


2 pounds of fresh cubes honeydew melon
3 teaspoons tarragon (pick leaves and rough chop)
Experiment with ice depending on thickness desired


“Place tarragon into the blender to purée with the melon. Let it sit for an hour with ice to fully infuse and then strain it through a China cap.” Top with chopped herbs and serve in chilled martini glasses, suggests Sawin. Serves 8.

Michael Sawin, Chef, Well Spa
The Grand Geneva Resort and Spa, Lake Geneva, WI

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