A story of innovation, integrity and respect for the sea...
Created from the wild Atlantic coast off the bays of Sligo, VOYA is the world’s first organic certified seaweed based skincare brand, available in luxury spas worldwide. Personally hand-harvesting the wild seaweed for each of their treatments and beauty products, VOYA improves your health, skin and wellbeing…
VOYA has grown out of a very successful family-run seaweed baths business in Strandhill, Co. Sligo, on the wild Atlantic coast of Ireland by the Waltons. As the popularity of the Walton’s Seaweed Baths grew and spread, more and more patrons wondered if there was some way they could replicate the experience in their own homes. By combining the Walton’s knowledge of the therapeutic properties of wild seaweed with the expertise of highly skilled natural cosmetic scientists, marine biologists and dermatologists from around the world, they have been able to carry some of the unique qualities and effects of seaweed into beauty and skincare products—so was born VOYA—organic beauty from the sea, the first genuinely organic seaweed based cosmetic products in the world.