I’ve not slept 12 straight hours straight since college. But on my second night at Pritikin Longevity Center, I did just that. And the next night, too. As a longtime writer with a sleep problem (as in, a lack thereof), this was a revelation. But ask any other guest at Pritikin, and you’ll hear a similar story.
Pritikin Longevity Center was started in 1975 by Nathan Pritikin. It began as a health resort in California that focused on nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle-change education. Since then, more than 100 studies in top medical journals have found that those who adopt the Pritikin Program “achieve dramatic results in just a few weeks, with more benefits long-term.” In fact, the World Health Organization, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, and the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services have determined that the healthiest, most effective diet for fighting the obesity epidemic and building long-term health is a diet that closely mirrors the Pritikin Program.
The word journey gets thrown around a lot these days, but there's really no better way to describe the experience at Pritikin. Here, guests sign up for specialized programs tailored to help them achieve and sustain optimal health with the end goal being a longer life–hence the name longevity.

Upon arrival, you’ll receive a schedule of daily activities offerings. And to me, there’s nothing more exciting; chalk that up to watching Dirty Dancing on repeat where Thursday night is bingo at Kellerman’s. At Pritikin, there are loads of options, ranging from cardio classes to yoga to Pilates. It’s sort of like a choose-your-own-adventure, fitness style. I trepidatiously took a Latin dance class that I loved so much that I did it again the next day. Oh, and there’s bingo.
In addition, there are lectures led by top-notch doctors and classes that help guests to succeed post-trip; a one-stop weight-loss trip this is not. Classes range from label reading to grocery shopping to field trips to local restaurants so that you can be equipped for this experience once back in the real world.
Guests work with a physician-led team of wellness professionals and have the option of different testing to help solidify and monitor their health. I had a DEXA body composition scan, which measures the percentage of body fat and the percentage of lean muscle along with a Cardio Coach test that measures the heart rate and oxygen consumption. The results? Despite being in good overall health, I need to add consistent strength training into my routine and reduce my salt. Guests can also have their blood taken on a weekly basis to track results. During dinner, a man told me that since their arrival to Pritikin, he was able to completely stop taking blood pressure medicine.

So, who goes to the Pritikin Longevity Center? Most of the folks here are retired, often solo, and repeat visitors, coming back for a health refresher or during the holiday season. There are also the die-hards who work this program with such vigor that they’ve been dubbed Pritikinites. I met a couple who decided to “tackle their health once and for all” after retirement. There was a woman who came because she wanted to do something for herself for the first time in her life. But my favorite guest, affectionately known as Birdie, was not only the poster child for Pritikin but who I dubbed the homecoming queen. Birdie had been at Pritikin for the past two months and would be staying two more through the holiday season. She’d purchased a small Christmas tree from Target to place in her room, knew who made the resort’s best hot chocolate (sans sugar of course), and which masseuse gave the best massage. Birdie had already significantly lowered her cholesterol and lost 40 pounds.
What stuck out to me the most was the sense of camaraderie at Pritikin. By day two, I felt as if I were at a camp where we’d traded the marshmallows for raw vegetables. Guests who were strangers the day before, called out to each other by name, offered seats at their dining table or joined each other for spin class. On my first night, I sat at the communal table with a couple who split their time between NYC and Miami and let me in on their small Haunnahka celebration.
I didn't imagine going into this “journey” as something that would be pleasurable or even fun. After all, there’s no sugar, salt, or wine. But after the invigorating workouts, healthy meals, and newfound friendships, it felt like more of a healthy vacation. That 12 hours of sleep didn’t hurt either.