As a seasoned traveler, I have learned by trial and error about the must-haves for a Wellness Travel Tool Kit. If you have to travel over the holidays, you know how miserable it can be. These are things that won’t weigh you down, but will increase your joy and comfort along the way.
Diaralia by Boiron
This is the latest homeopathic remedy just launched by Boiron, and not only does it work, it works instantly! To broach a rather delicate subject, sometimes far-flung travel can be accompanied by stomach upset and more. The minute that symptoms appear, place two tablets under your tongue and wait for the magic to happen. Also relieves bloating and gas. I will never travel without this again!

Kinross Cashmere Ribbed Ruana
Featherlight and perfect for layering, this piece is gossamer soft and cozy, and will keep you warm as toast on the plane. Even if you’re traveling to a warm climate, and you’ll only use it on the plane, it takes up so little space that it is well worth bringing in your Wellness Travel Tool Kit. Comes in a range of soft shades and can also be wrapped around the throat to help prevent a chill.
H.Gillerman Sleep Remedy
Even if you sleep like a stone, there are bound to be exceptions, and jumping through multiple time zones is one of them. Hope Gillerman’s 100 percent organic lavender sleep blend, in a drip-proof glass bottle, is highly concentrated and great to have--just in case!

Hydroflask 21 Ounce Standard Mouth Water Bottle
Because who wants to buy a plastic water bottle at the airport? Aside from the cost ($5+), no one needs to create more plastic waste. This one is BPA- and Phthalate-free, made of stainless steel, with a lifetime guarantee. It tucks into my bag, and I fill it up once I’m through security.
Clean Well Natural Hand Sanitizer
It smells nice--orange, lemon, herbs--and it works. You never know when you may find yourself petting an elephant, then heading off to dinner. Also perfect to use after touching an airplane seat, or shaking hands with someone who, it turns out, has a cold.